You live in Toronto and/or do you want to study Turkish Language or Near Eastern History at a University in Canada abroad.
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
- Turkish and Ottoman Studies
The Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations came into founded in 1996 as a result of the merger of the formerly separate departments of Near Eastern Studies and Middle East and Islamic Studies.
The Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations is concerned with the interdisciplinary study of the civilizations and cultures of the Near and Middle East from neolithic times until the present, including their languages and literatures [Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian); Arabic; Aramaic, and its closely related dialect Syriac; ancient Egyptian; Hellenistic Greek; biblical, rabbinic, mediaeval and modern Hebrew; Persian and Turkish], archaeology, history, art and architecture.
Turkish and Ottoman Studies:
Intensive Course I + II
Turkish I is designed for students without previous knowledge of Turkish. This course also serves as a basis for the study of Ottoman Turkish. Intensive Course II involves reading, grammatical analysis and translation of modern Turkish texts of intermediate difficulty.
Ottoman History
The Ottoman Empire from its late 13th/early 14th century origins as a border principality through the classical age of Mehmed the Conqueror and Suleyman the Magnificent when as a mature Islamic Empire it ruled lands in Europe, Asia, and Africa, to the internal and external challenges faced by the empire during the 17th and 18th centuries when it was forced to transform or decline.
Studies in Ottoman and Turkish Literature:
This course is designed to enable students to pursue independent work in Turkish and Ottoman studies. Early in the course the main concentration will be on texts from the early Republican period when the language was undergoing a transformation from Ottoman Turkish.
Contact Address: Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations
University of Toronto
4 Bancroft Avenue, 2nd floor
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5S 1C1
Tel.: 416-978-3306