You are looking for a Turkish Language Programme which emphasis on History and Cultural background and/or you are totally commited to live Student City of Mainz.
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Department of Turcology
- Turkic Studies
The Turkish Studies is concerned with the study of the Turkic-speaking world, using language, literature, religious studies, anthropological, historical, political science or sociological methods. At the University of Mainz the subject is defined not by methodological or theoretical parameters, but also according to the criteria of a particular language family.
A central part of Turkic Studies as a minor in the B.A. program are Turkic language courses. Proficiency in the Turkish language is a main requirement for the study of all aspects of Turkish culture. Students also receive knowledge of the history of Turkic peoples, the history, politics and religion of the Ottoman Empire as well as the history, society, and politics of the Turkish Republic.
In the conversation and cultural studies courses, students are acquainted with Turkish everyday culture and Turkish manners and gain insight into Turkish cultural studies. In addition, courses on the typology and the historical development of Turkic languages and of Ottoman -Turkish are part of the B.A. program. Hence students receive solid knowledge of the Turkish language and culture. Turkic Studies on the advanced level (at the moment Magister-graduate studies and PhD studies) deal with all aspects of the languages and cultures of all Turkic peoples.
Contact Address:Department of Turcology
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Institute Oriental Studies
Jakob-Welder-Weg 20
D-55128 Mainz
Tel. +49-61 31-39-2 27 79
Fax :+49-61 31-39-2 43 80
E-Mail: turcolog"@"