You live in San Francisco, Oakland or Richmond in California and/or do you want to study Turkish Language or Near Eastern History at the University at Berkeley abroad.

University of California at Berkeley, USA

  • Center for Middle Eastern Studies
  • Department of Near Eastern Studies
  • Turkish Courses at Berkeley

The Center for Middle Eastern Studies) at the University of California, Berkeley was founded in 1963.  The Center for Middle Eastern Studies facilitates the interdisciplinary study of the Middle East while recognizing the interconnectedness of its peoples and cultures to the wider global context in which it exists. The University  programming encompasses the Arab World, Turkey, Israel, and Iran, yet no single country, topic, academic discipline, or political position dominates the landscape of Middle Eastern Studies at Berkeley. The Center is equally engaged and concerned with issues in contemporary Iran as with medieval Persian literature; with the impact of structural adjustments in Egypt and Turkey as with the history of the Ottoman Empire.

The Department of Near Eastern Studies is concerned with the languages, literatures, and civilizations of the ancient, medieval, and modern Near East. The Department offers specialized training in Archaeology, Art History, Assyriology, Egyptology, Iranian Studies, Judaic and Islamic Studies, Comparative Semitics, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic and Persian.

TURKISH COURSES at University of California at Berkeley:

  • Elementary Modern Turkish
  • Intermediate Modern Turkish
  • Readings in Modern Turkish

Contact address: The Department of Near Easter Studies

250 Barrows Hall
University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720-1940
Tel: 510-642-3757
Fax: 510-643-8430
Email: nes”at”

Worldwide Turkish Courses

This Service is provided by Academia Linguae (Learn Latin, Frankfurt, Germany) and his partner Turkish Language Center (Learn Turkish, Izmir, Turkey) If we have missed your University or Faculty, Student Association just send us an email and we will be happy to put them online. We will response to all email within 48 hours..


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Language School

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Türkisch lernen in Izmir

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Información sobre el Centro de Idiomas

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Leer Turkse in het Turkije

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Le nostre scuole di turco in Izmir

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At TLC in Izmir we want you to have fun, make friends and learn about life in the Turkey as well as learn the Turkish language. This is why we help you to meet people both in and out of lessons

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    +49(0) 69 207 37 848
  • Email:
  • Address:
    6402 Sok No 15A
    35550 Karsiyaka - Izmir State