You live in Philadelphia or Trenton and/or do you want to study Turkish Language or European or Near Eastern History at the University of Pennsylvania abroad.

 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

  • Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
  • Middle East Center
  • Turkish languages Courses

In the summer of 1965 the University of Pennsylvania set up a center for the study of the modern Near East. The Center formed a part of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and looked to add a contemporary dimension to Penn’s programs in ancient and medieval studies of the Middle East. Today, the Center's mission remains raising awareness of the unique circumstances of the region through research and instructional programs. The MEC has adopted an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the Middle East.

A wide variety of Middle East languages are taught at Penn, including Arabic, Hebrew, Akkadian, Aramaic, Persian, Turkish, and others.  These are offered through the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations.

Elementary Turkish I+II

This is a course for beginners who have no previous knowkledge of Turkish. Elementary Turkish introduces basic vocabulary and grammar rules and focuses on building language competencies inlistening, reading, speaking and writing. Turkish Elementar II: by the end of this course, students will be able to handle a variety of day to day needs in Turkish-speaking settings and engage in simple
Intermediate Turkish I+II :
This course is for students who have previous knowledge of Turkish or students who have completed Elementary Turkish I and II. This course is designed to improve students' writing and speaking competence, to increase vocabulary.
Advanced Modern Turkish & Culture and History I+II.
The study of modern Turkish at the advanced level; emphasis on grammar and reading, focusing on Business Turkish. Advance II Course is designed to improve students writing and speaking levels through role plays, case studies, essays, interviews, reading articles from newspapers, analyzing books of contemporary Turkish and introduce students to Turkish poets and political science.

Contact address: The Penn Center for Foreign Language Learning

University of Pennsylvania
715-16 Williams Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6305
Ttel: (215) 898-6039
Fax: (215) 573-2139
Email: plc"at"

Worldwide Turkish Courses

This Service is provided by Academia Linguae (Learn Latin, Frankfurt, Germany) and his partner Turkish Language Center (Learn Turkish, Izmir, Turkey) If we have missed your University or Faculty, Student Association just send us an email and we will be happy to put them online. We will response to all email within 48 hours..


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Language School

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Información sobre el Centro de Idiomas

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Le nostre scuole di turco in Izmir

school турецкий язык в Турции
Учитесь на турецком отличный языковой школе в Измирr



At TLC in Izmir we want you to have fun, make friends and learn about life in the Turkey as well as learn the Turkish language. This is why we help you to meet people both in and out of lessons

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    +49(0) 69 207 37 848
  • Email:
  • Address:
    6402 Sok No 15A
    35550 Karsiyaka - Izmir State